Instrument: Clarinet

Dr Mark Pinner

Mark Forsyth

Elizabeth Lim

Rod Mounjed

Rod is a teacher with over 25 years experience of both beginners (young and adult) through to professionally oriented students. Students can be prepared for exams or simply for the pleasure of music making. The emphasis is on fun and enjoyment and to shape students sense of musicianship. Rod specializes in Sight Reading techniques and…
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Juliana Mathews

Juliana Mathews has been playing and performing professionally for 15 years. She has served in the Royal Australian Navy Band for 6 years and has since decided to become and Active Reservist in the Navy to pursue a career in Tutoring and Music Therapy. Juliana completed her Music Therapy Degree at the University of Technology,…
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Peter Poole

Peter’s professional musical performance includes pit orchestras, Australian Army Bands (DLSM, ADM), Queensland Pops Orchestra and Jazz bands throughout Australia.  His teaching includes AMEB and Eisteddfod preparation, classroom music at St John the Evangelist School Nowra, instrumental development programs in over 20 schools within NSW and Director of music education Eurobodalla Music School Batemans Bay.…
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Tanya Poyitt

Michael Rivett

Brent Lang

Saantwana Lentz

Saantwana is an experienced clarinettist, teacher, AMEB grade and Diploma examiner and adjudicator. Her students include all age groups and levels and many have achieved scholarships, gone on to successful completion of tertiary music study, HSC encore nominations and performances, local, national and international prizes and professional positions. Her students excel in their AMEB examinations…
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